Monday, September 29, 2014

Fall Pictures: The 'Ladies of the House'

Fall officially arrives, and with it those increasingly thick coats on the horses that warn us that winter is on it's way.    Today we had our annual Photo Session with Sagan and Tanzer, as well as Sagan's now weanling foal Rhylen.   A last glimpse of those dapples before they fade into fuz.    Sagan is now in the second trimester of her pregnancy to Netto, and Tanzer a week behind with her Rotspon foal.

Both are also back under saddle getting a little fitness in before maternity leave begins in several more months.   It's wonderful to see how they have matured, and especially to enjoy a last day with Sagan's first baby before he leaves tomorrow for his new home and loving new mom.
Happy Fall!